High Pressure

High Pressure

Don’t forget that…

… heart disease before the age of 80 is not God’s punishment, but the result of their own mistakes.

English cardiologist Paul white

What is blood pressure?

Blood pressure (BP) can be called the force with which blood presses on the walls of blood vessels.


  • Systolic blood pressure (“upper”), indicating the pressure on the walls of the vessels at the time of the release of the next portion of blood by the heart (into the systole);
  • Diastolic blood pressure (“lower”), indicating the pressure at the moment of pause in cardiac activity, when the heart rests and refills with blood (in diastole).

The difference between systolic and diastolic blood PRESSURE is called pulse pressure. The lower the pulse pressure, the more the heart receives less blood for its normal operation (normal pulse pressure is not less than 20-25 mm Hg).

Blood pressure may be different when measured on both hands, normally this difference should not exceed 10 mm Hg. article

How to measure blood pressure?

The correct measurement of blood PRESSURE is very important for its subsequent evaluation, so we have devoted a whole section to this procedure.

What is “normal” blood pressure?

The ideal, or optimal, blood pressure, according to the world’s leading cardiologists, is 120/80 mm Hg. article (press “astronauts”).

Normal blood pressure is not more than 129/84 mm Hg. art. at BP values not exceeding these figures, repeated measurement of blood PRESSURE is carried out during the annual medical examination.

Treatment is not required.

At normally high BP 130-139/85-89 mm Hg. it is recommended to regularly monitor blood PRESSURE, 1 time per month for a year. If during this time the blood PRESSURE does not decrease to normal values or rises above the boundary level, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

The diagnosis of ARTERIAL HYPERTENSION is established if at three measurements of blood PRESSURE and more in different settings:

  • Systolic blood pressure is 140 mm Hg. article and more;
  • Diastolic blood pressure is 90 mmHg. art. and more. Can increase only systolic blood PRESSURE, such situations are called isolated systolic AH.

In this case, you should consult with your doctor and start treatment as soon as possible!

Due to the possibility of a pronounced spread of BP values, it is necessary to measure IT repeatedly (at least 2 times) in different settings.

Please note that…

Blood pressure may rise in healthy people:

  • After exercise;In the afternoon (at 15 mm Hg. article);
  • In women during pregnancy (by 15-20 mm Hg. article);
  • Overflow bladder;
  • When feeling pain or cold;
  • With constant inhalation of pine and spruce odors;In case of anxiety during communication with the doctor (“white coat hypertension”).
  • For a more objective view of the fluctuation of blood pressure during the day and night recommended daily monitoring of blood pressure (Smad).

What are the types of arterial hypertension?

  • Primary arterial hypertension (or hypertension) is an independent disease. This diagnosis is usually established after the doctor excludes the so-called secondary hypertension.
  • Secondary (or symptomatic) arterial hypertension is one of the manifestations of kidney diseases (glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis), narrowing of the renal arteries (vasorenal hypertension), many diseases of the endocrine system, etc.

Suspect secondary arterial hypertension can be in the following cases:

• At high blood pressure (especially diastolic), more often at a young age;

  • With weak effectiveness of a combination of 3 or more drugs that reduce blood PRESSURE.

Secondary hypertension used to be called “malignant hypertension” because of the rapid progression of the disease and the frequent development of complications, often leading to death or disability. In this regard, at the slightest suspicion of secondary hypertension should be examined as soon as possible in a specialized hospital.

What is “hypertension of the elderly”?

“Hypertension elderly” is increasing predominantly systolic BP (isolated systolic hypertension) with high pulse pressure in people older than 60 years. This variant of AH occurs due to the sealing of the walls of blood vessels and reducing their compliance with severe atherosclerosis. Very often during the day there is pronounced instability and fluctuations in blood PRESSURE from very high numbers to hypotension. Treatment of “hypertension of the elderly” has its own characteristics.

Should hypertension be treated if elevated blood PRESSURE is not subjectively felt?

If You do not feel high blood PRESSURE, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The absence of unpleasant sensations with increased blood PRESSURE does not prevent the development of complications of hypertension.

What are the threats of frequent rises or persistent increase in blood PRESSURE?

Hypertension affects the following organs (called target organs of hypertension):

Of course, the defeat of the above bodies, leading to a fatal outcome, usually occurs with additional risk factors:

  • Male (over 55 years old);
  • Women (over 65 years);
  • Smoking;
  • High blood cholesterol;
  • Presence of cardiovascular diseases in relatives;
  • Comorbidities (obesity, diabetes);
  • Sedentary lifestyle.


Horses are extremely rare heart disease. And all because horses do not drink, do not smoke, adhere to a vegetarian diet and a lot of “exercise”.

Can hypertension be cured?

Recovery from hypertension is possible only in the early stages. In this case, a change in lifestyle and abandonment of bad habits help. In other cases, we can talk about the successful control of blood PRESSURE throughout life without reducing its quality.

What do you need to learn to live with hypertension?

Read the book “school of hypertension”, follow her advice and do not forget the statements of the famous surgeon Amosov:

Don’t expect doctors to make you healthy. They can save your life, even cure the disease, but only bring you to the start. And then learn to rely on yourself.

And now, dear reader, we offer you to make a useful journey along the path of health of our school.

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