Massage for Hypertension

Massage for Hypertension

Reduction of high blood pressure is achieved by the method of acupressure. Let’s get acquainted with some techniques. With the pad of the left thumb, press down on the point under the lower jaw at the point where the carotid artery pulsates, and hold until the count of ten. Then release, inhale, and push again. After pressing three times on the left side, do the same on the right. Pressure at this point on the carotid artery to a certain extent normalizes blood pressure.

Then, with the middle fingers of both hands, press three times on the area of the medulla oblongata (located 2 cm above the first cervical vertebra) until the count of ten. After that, with three fingers of each hand, press on the base of the occipital bone and on the three points below it, increasing the pressure force each time, repeat the pressure three times. With three fingers, press down on both sides of the back of the neck in a downward direction. Repeat 3 times for each of the points.

Press three fingers on the underlying area, count to ten, and release. Repeat the pressure ten times, then increase the pressure slightly.

The method of sedative (soothing) massage is very good to use in the complex treatment of hypertension. In addition, for the prevention of hypertension, it is very important to be able to relieve nervous tension in time (according to I. P. Pavlov, hypertension is nothing more than “vascular neurosis”), and sedative massage will also help in this. Performing soothing massage techniques, you can also normalize sleep, which is very important for a hypertensive patient.

Treatment is carried out according to the following scheme: 10 – 20 procedures daily or every other day, after which you should take a break for 1 – 1.5 months, after which the course is repeated, then take a break again, after which you repeat the course of treatment (now for the third time). The next course of treatment is carried out in six months and then twice a year.

Now let’s get acquainted with the massage techniques. Massage is performed on the scalp and on the area near the vertebrae at the level of 2 – 7 cervical and 2 – 4 thoracic. The duration of the procedure for the first time is no more than 7 minutes, then with each procedure, increase the duration by 1 minute until you reach 12 minutes. All subsequent procedures should be performed for 12 minutes.

Massage of the scalp

  1. Starting position-sitting on a chair, the masseur stands behind, the patient’s head rests on the chest of the masseur. Put your hands on the patient’s forehead, alternately stroke the forehead with both hands, then lead both hands from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Wrap your two hands around the back of your head and stroke it, moving your hands alternately to one side and then to the other.
  3. Place the base of the palm on the temporal fossa of the patient and, without lifting the hands from the surface of the patient’s skin, rub clockwise. First on one side, then on the other.
  4. Place the pads of the four fingers on the temporal fossa and rub clockwise, without lifting the fingers from the surface of the patient’s skin.
  5. Place the base of the palms on the temporal fossa and rub clockwise, without lifting the hands from the surface of the patient’s skin.
  6. With the pads of the four fingers of both hands (the fingers are slightly spread out), perform a rake-like rubbing (translational) and simultaneously zigzag in the directions from the forehead to the back of the head and from the middle of the head on the sides downwards.
  7. In the same directions, make a light beating with the pads of all four fingers (this technique is called “rain”).

The following techniques are performed on the neck and on the back near the vertebrae.

  1. Place the pads of the thumbs at the level of the 2nd cervical vertebra, retreating from it in both directions by 1 cm. Perform the rubbing in a clockwise direction. Then go down 1 cm and repeat the procedure. So carry out the rubbing to the 7th cervical vertebra.
  2. Place the pads of the thumbs at the level of the 2nd thoracic vertebra on both sides of it at a distance of 1 cm. Perform the rubbing in the same way-clockwise. Descend each time by 1 cm, repeat the technique, and so on to the 6th thoracic vertebra.
  3. The starting position is the same: the pads of the thumbs at a distance of 1 cm from the spine. Perform a zigzag rub to the sides of the spine for about 10 cm, then return the fingers also zigzag to the starting position. Perform the reception several times, then go down 1 cm and repeat the reception. Finish the massage at the level of the 6th cervical vertebra.

This massage, despite its apparent simplicity, is extremely effective, it allows you to reduce the pressure immediately by 15-20 mm and even more, and with regular massage you will soon notice an improvement in your condition: the pressure will stabilize, sleep will improve, nervousness and irritability will disappear.

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