Psychological recommendations for hypertensive patients

Psychological recommendations for hypertensive patients

All organs and all organ systems are regulated by the central nervous system, so any “failure” in the central nervous system leads to pathology, and, first of all, to the pathology of the cardiovascular system. It is worth worrying, and the pressure immediately jumps, and although, having calmed down, you register the normal readings of the tonometer, it should be remembered that not a single excitement, not a single negative emotion passes without a trace for the body. Let’s analyze this question in a little more detail. It is known that there are a huge number of neurons (nerve cells) in the cerebral cortex – about 15 billion. Physiologists have found that the cerebral cortex “records” literally everything that a person experiences and experiences, from early childhood to his very last days. Each of us was convinced of this by our own experience. So, when you find yourself in some area where you were last many years ago, you suddenly begin to remember such little things and nuances that you would have seemingly forgotten for a long time. But the cerebral cortex does not throw anything away, it stores literally all the information, both positive and negative. And all this negative information (experiences, worries, negative emotions, etc.) will sooner or later, but it will definitely manifest itself as a nervous “failure” leading to an increase in blood pressure. Therefore, dear readers, remember that hypertension does not appear when you have a headache and the pressure is higher than normal, but even when the pressure is kept at 120/80, you feel great, are energetic, active, make plans for the future and do not even suspect that the disease already exists in you and is just waiting for the right moment (nervous overload, excitement, lack of sleep) to manifest yourself. How soon this will happen is different for everyone: who is 40 years old, who is 50 years old and older. As they say, it’s a matter of time.

It turns out such a rather bleak picture: almost every person is doomed to hypertension, and in order to avoid this, it is necessary to exist in completely unthinkable conditions, i.e., as they say, “under a glass hood”. But this is impossible!

There is only one way out of this situation – not to load the neurons of the cerebral cortex with negative information. It is, of course, easy to say this, but how to implement almost all of this?

And here the advice of practical psychologists will help us a lot. Along the way, we will also consider psychological types with a high risk of hypertension. The most susceptible to neuroses are impressionable, unbalanced people, in whom the processes of arousal prevail over inhibition. As a rule, these are people of a choleric temperament; but, perhaps, people with a weak type of nervous system are most inclined to perceive everything negative. As is known from the course of physiology, there are three strong types of higher nervous activity (temperaments) – choleric, sanguine and phlegmatic, and one weak-melancholic. One should not, however, think that people with a weak type of higher nervous activity are completely worthless, achieving nothing in life, in a word, whiners and nothing more. On the contrary, it is among people of this type that very talented, sensitive natures are most often found. And the weakness of their nervous system is that their threshold of sensitivity to various stimuli is much lower than that of other people, i.e. even minor stimuli can cause them severe stress. (In people of the strong type, such a reaction is not observed in such situations.) It is clear that people with such a nervous organization have the highest risk of hypertension. What can I advise in this situation? Psychologists, for example, believe that it is necessary to be able to disconnect from everything for a while, to give a deep rest to your nervous system. To this end, you can either retire from everything and everyone for a short time (literally a day or two), or actively engage in some exciting business, in other words, go headlong into your hobby, i.e. women who love to sew, knit, embroider, weave macrame, etc., can devote one day a week only to needlework and sort of distance themselves from everything else. For men, such an exciting thing can be, for example, fishing. But it should be done regularly, for example, once a week. If you can’t switch off for the whole day, then you can try another option-for two hours every day. We are not discovering anything new here. And we recall the statement of I. P. Pavlov that the best rest is switching from one type of activity to another. (In this case, there is a switching of the nerve centers involved in a particular activity, respectively.)

As for choleric patients, whose arousal processes are very pronounced and dominate the processes of inhibition, they can be advised to perform a particular physical activity after each emotional outburst (for example, to nail something, dig up a garden bed or do push-ups several times, perform squats, etc.).

But not only the type of higher nervous activity depends on a person’s predisposition to the accumulation of negative information in the cerebral cortex of the cerebral hemispheres. Here it is worth considering the types of characters, as well as the life attitudes of people.

Probably, you have met the so-called Samoyeds in your life. These people are always dissatisfied with something, but they blame only themselves for all their failures, and they” gnaw ” themselves constantly. And here is what is characteristic: reproaching themselves for some miscalculations and mistakes, they get so carried away with it that, inadequately assessing the current situation, they make the following mistakes and miscalculations, for which they also blame themselves, etc. In short, the whole life of such people passes in constant self-torture. It is not difficult to imagine what the blood pressure of such people may be as a result of all this.

I will give one example. Once I happened to go by train from Moscow to Magnitogorsk to visit my relatives. A middle-aged woman with a teenage daughter was sitting next to her in the compartment. As it turned out, they were returning from Orel, where the eldest daughter of this woman lives, and shortly before that they had to send a container with things (the daughter decided to return to Magnitogorsk), but it turned out that they hurried to send the container, because the situation with the move had changed. As a result, this container will have to be sent back upon receipt. The situation, of course, is unpleasant, and the costs are considerable, but there is still nothing that can be done. Nevertheless, my traveling companion throughout the entire journey (almost two days) constantly expressed her regret aloud about this. Her daughter tried to restrain her (“…mom, stop it”), the neighbors initially calmed down as best they could, then (jokingly, of course) began to threaten that they would drop her off the train if she did not shut up, but the woman continued to worry out loud about this continuously. I think that not only her own blood pressure, but also those around her, jumped. A person with such a mentality is guaranteed hypertension of the I – II degree, and even the most effective antihypertensive medications are unlikely to help her if she does not change herself. What can I recommend to such Samoyeds? Ask a question: is it possible to change the situation? No? Then, as they say, “the train left” and just by an effort of will to force yourself to “cut off” all the experiences on this occasion. It is clear that at first it will not be easy to do this, but it is necessary to connect not only the will, but also common sense: think about what harm you are doing to your health (especially since in the current situation nothing will change from your self-eating), because you will get hypertension, coronary heart disease, neurosis, and with such a “bouquet” it is unlikely that you will become luckier in life.

Frankly speaking, until quite recently, I myself was the same “Samoyed”, and my teenage daughter “cured” me of this. Every time I started to self-torture for one reason or another, she ordered me to stop rushing around.

And now let’s look at such situations that are completely independent of you, but in which you are constantly forced to be. The most typical situation is an “evil boss”. Indeed, if you do not have a relationship with your boss, then life becomes simply unbearable. Of course, it also happens otherwise, in this case, we can say that fate gave you a winning ticket. I am very lucky in this sense: if every person at their work had such guidance as in the medical college where I teach a course of herbal medicine, as well as in the medical center where I receive as a phytotherapist, I assure you that the number of hypertensive crises, heart attacks, strokes and heart attacks would be reduced several times. It must be admitted that there are fewer and fewer such managers who can bring a subordinate to tears or a heart attack recently. This is an old, outgoing type of boss, and modern managers who are interested in the results of their subordinates ‘ work, on the contrary, care about the normal psychological climate in the teams they lead.

This is the situation in which a friend of mine found herself, a very nice intelligent woman working as a clerk, whose boss was distinguished by a rare rudeness. As a result, the woman began to get sick: and the heart began to catch more and more often, and the pressure jumped, and insomnia began to torment at night. In the end, there came a moment when the situation was simply critical: it was already completely impossible to work, and it was almost impossible to find another job for a 45 – year-old woman until retirement for 10 years. In addition, she was raising a schoolgirl daughter alone without her husband. Nevertheless, my friend managed to cope with a seemingly hopeless situation by presenting it as a game: she turned herself from an object of attack into an observer, and made the attacker an object of observation. Every time the boss started shouting at her, Lydia (that’s the name of this woman) stealthily marked the time and then also imperceptibly noticed the time of the end of the scream. After that, she built diagrams at home and observed the behavior of her boss in dynamics (“He quickly ran out of steam today, yesterday he lasted two whole minutes longer”). This unpleasant situation became even more exciting when it turned out that her friend (also Lydia) had a similar situation at work. And what do you think these lovely ladies began to do? Yes, they simply began to “bet” on their superiors, as on cockroaches: in the evenings they called back and found out whose object lasted longer today, and whose earlier left the distance. And what is interesting is that after a while the current situation stopped worrying women, their sleep improved, their blood pressure began to jump less, but perhaps the most interesting thing is that both the boss and the other boss stopped shouting at them.

This fact can be explained as follows. The fact is that such people (who bully others) can be considered psychological sadists, such people get pleasure from their actions only when they see the suffering of the victim. In this case, the person stopped being afraid of his boss, and he became uninterested in shaking the air in vain. Moreover, the boss of my friend changed so much for the better that others could not understand what had happened to the person: he became so polite, helpful, as if he had been replaced. Here we need to recall a similar situation with dogs. (May the dogs forgive me for comparing them to evil bosses!) If you are walking down the street and a stray dog runs towards you, and you are not afraid of dogs and even love them, then it will never touch you. But as soon as you are even a little scared, the dog will feel it and can pounce on you. So the boss, feeling that the woman was no longer afraid of him, stopped attacking her.

Unpleasant situations when we have to be nervous are waiting for us both on the street and at home. Here is the most typical unpleasant situation that causes irritation in many women, which turns into a quiet (and not only into a quiet) rage and ends with neurosis (including vascular neurosis-hypertension): the husband, when he comes home, throws dirty socks anywhere – in the kitchen, near the dining table, chair, at the TV, etc., and no matter how much you point it out to him – the result is zero. Dear women, how I understand you-yoo-yoo-yoo-yoo!!! But let’s treat this with irony: imagine that those men who can not and do not want to get used to the elementary order, simply lagged behind in their evolutionary development – well, their evolution did not go further than the Australopithecines! I didn’t go! A hundred or two thousand years will pass, and no husband will upset his wife with socks thrown anywhere. And now? Well, what can you expect from Australopithecines? They are not to blame for this. It’s a sin to be angry with them. They can only be pitied. By the way, those men who have successfully evolved to the level of homosapiens are a reasonable person, they never throw their socks around the apartment.

If at home and at work you have figured out for yourself how to treat negative moments, then you can expect anything on the street – for example, you can be rude.

Unpleasant situations that cause negative reactions from the nervous system are waiting for literally everywhere: at work, on the street, and in public places. It is clear that it is simply impossible to protect yourself from all the negative things. And here psychologists recommend such a cunning technique, namely: not to get involved in the situation. In other words, this is also a psychological game: after all, when a rude person shouts at you, he expects a response, i.e., as if he includes you in his game. And you knock down this game for him – in response to shouting and rudeness, smile and politely say something. At the same time, you can observe what a confused face your interlocutor will have. You can frankly enjoy this feeling. By the way, if you are enthusiastically reading the books of Daria Dontsova, then pay attention to how great, psychologically competent the gentleman of the detective Ivan Podushkin behaves in such situations. Perhaps you can learn from him. And finally, there are various unpleasant situations when you are unable to change anything. In this case, use the advice of Nastya Kamenskaya, the heroine of Alexandra Marinina – – she always says to herself: “You can’t change the situation – change your attitude to her.” But the most important thing is to remember that any experience is not in vain. Even if you have a reason to worry, try to soberly assess the situation and do not forget that all adversities can be overcome only on one condition – if you keep your health. So, at least for these reasons, try to perceive the environment adequately and do not load yourself with negative information.If at home and at work you have understood for yourself how to treat negative moments, then you can expect anything on the street – for example, you can be rude.

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