Blood Pressure Measurement Technique
The method of BP measurement depends on the type of sphygmomanometer used.
- Measurement of blood pressure using an electronic meter.
Using these devices is very simple. You put the cuff on the shoulder, and then turn on the button on the instrument panel. The device will independently pump air into the cuff to the required level, and then will gradually release it, carrying out the measurement. In the semi-automatic device, the patient himself will have to pump air into the cuff using a rubber pear, but the subsequent air release and blood PRESSURE measurement will also be performed automatically. At the end of the study, the screen will display numbers showing blood PRESSURE and heart rate.
In recent years, there have been electronic meters that determine the blood PRESSURE on the wrist. However, the measurement accuracy of these devices is mediocre.
Pay attention to the following important points:
Always follow the rules of measurement of blood PRESSURE.
- Carefully read the instructions supplied with the electronic meter. Some instructions may contain specific instructions for the use of a particular instrument.
- Measure blood pressure with your DEVICE at a doctor’s appointment and compare the readings of your device with the indications of a medical tonometer. Sometimes electronic meters are not accurate enough. Reconciliation of results will help to identify the error and calculate the correction. Reconciliation should be repeated periodically.
- Record the measurement results in a diary.
Blood pressure measurement with a tonometer.
To measure blood PRESSURE with a tonometer, you must have a phonendoscope.
Phonendoscope is an instrument for listening to sounds accompanying the work of the lungs, heart and blood vessels. It usually consists of a” head ” applied to the body, tubes conducting sound vibrations, and tips inserted into the ears.
The essence of the measurement of blood PRESSURE is to listen with a phonendoscope sounds vibrations of the brachial artery, when the pressure changes in the cuff. On the scale of the device marked the moments of occurrence and termination of these sound vibrations (tones).
For the correct definition of blood PRESSURE in this way the desired assistance, as measured by this method blood PRESSURE himself hard.
Stick to the following sequence of actions:
- Feel the pulse in the radial artery at the wrist.
- Pump air into the cuff, continuing to feel the pulse and looking at the scale of the device. Remember the figure, when the pulse disappears and dukacita the cuff another 30 mm Hg. article
• Put the “head” of the stethoscope at the elbow crease, somewhat inside from the center of the cubital fossa.
- Slowly release air from the cuff at a rate of 2-3 mm Hg. art. in 1 C, while constantly looking at the scale of the device.
At the time of the first appearance of sounds (tones) vibrations of the artery, the value of the upper (systolic) BP is read. As a rule, this moment coincides with the appearance of a pulse on the radial artery.
• At the time of disappearance of sounds (tones) of the artery oscillations, the value of the lower (diastolic) BP is read.
Pay attention to the following important points:
- Always follow the rules of blood PRESSURE measurement.
- Measure blood pressure with your DEVICE at a doctor’s appointment and compare the readings of your device with the indications of a medical tonometer. Sometimes, over time, the accuracy of the tonometer decreases. Checking the readings of your device and the doctor’s tonometer will help to identify the error and calculate the correction. Reconciliation should be repeated periodically.
- Record the measurement results in a diary.
When and how often should I measure blood pressure?
Measuring blood PRESSURE is usually required in two situations.
• First, if hypertension is detected for the first time.
In this case, the measurement of blood PRESSURE at home at different times of the day will help your doctor to clarify the increase in blood PRESSURE, to identify the nature of its fluctuations during the day, to determine the reaction of your cardiovascular system to various provoking factors (physical activity, emotional stress, etc.).
- Second, when drugs are selected.
In this case, the measurement of blood PRESSURE at home will help your doctor to determine whether the prescribed drugs are effective, choose the most appropriate doses for you and determine the mode of medication.
In these two cases, it is usually required to measure blood PRESSURE 2-3 times a day for 1-3 weeks.
- In other cases, blood PRESSURE should be measured:
• When you have a headache, difficulty breathing, heaviness and pain behind the sternum or in the heart, tinnitus, “shroud in the eyes” or when you have symptoms that usually accompany an increase in blood PRESSURE.
• The appearance of weakness, dizziness, and “mowing” of the feet, darkening in the eyes, instability of gait, as these symptoms may indicate the decrease in blood pressure (hypotension).
• After exercise, especially during the selection of the optimal load.
• In cases of a clear reaction of your AD to a change in the weather.
Proper self-measurement of blood PRESSURE is an important aspect of successful treatment of hypertension (self-control).
However, it is not necessary to fall into extremes, to become a “slave tonometer”, measuring blood PRESSURE constantly, for the most insignificant reason. This can lead to nervous tension, which in itself will adversely affect the course of the disease.
However, a patient with arterial hypertension can not control their blood PRESSURE, even if taking drugs that normalize blood PRESSURE for a long time provided a good level.
Over time, the sensitivity of the body to drugs may decrease, which again leads to an increase in blood PRESSURE.
Regular self-measurement of blood PRESSURE will help in time to recognize the moment of” slipping ” of hypertension from the therapeutic control of therapy. In this case, your doctor will promptly adjust the treatment.
It is useful to keep a diary and record the results of measuring blood PRESSURE.
In most cases of stable hypertension, when therapy is already selected, it is enough to measure blood PRESSURE 3-5 times a week. Discuss this with your doctor if necessary.